Linkin Park


Well, Linkin Park's another band I've known practically my whole life. My 3 brothers are all about rap music (Except my oldest brother has been getting into System of a Down lately), so on our trips to Arkansas my brothers would pop in The Hybrid Theory and we'd listen to it. Of course, I'm too young to know what the hell music they're playing, but I loved it xD Like in my other journals, I started listening to them more often in 2007.
Now, I'm gonna be completely honest with you, I don't really like Minutes to Midnight. I only like a few songs, but it just didn't sound like Linkin Park. I mean, I'm glad they're taking risks and trying new stuff, but still. A Thousand Suns doesn't even sound like them at all (Except for Wretches and Kings. That's a really good song). Anyways, my favorite album from them is Meteora. All of those songs just relate to me so much. It's like, "I could've written these songs...if I was a good song writer." My favorite songs by them is a tie between Easier To Run and Lying From You. I listen to those particular songs when I take walks, random fact :p
What I like about them is that they're not like other bands to me. Of course, there are lots of rap-rock bands around, but they never got to me like Linkin Park did...but it's good to see people using rap for GOOD ;-) Also, HAVE YOU HEARD CHESTER BENNINGTON'S FUCKING VOICE?! His screaming is just incredible. So impressive. Especially live, just look up on YouTube: "Chester Bennington top screams" and be blown away.

That's all for now, happy Saturday!
~Aleisha :-)
December 18th, 2010 at 06:22pm