Guess what minority I am?

It just hit me all the sudden in History the other day when my teacher said that all Americans are equals that I’m looking forward to a lifetime of numerous people telling me:

* Who I can and cannot marry.

* What benefits I can and cannot have

* When and where I can and cannot be safe from attack- physical or verbal.

And I’ve got just as long to look forward to the attitudes, that instill unjustified laws, such as:

* Being harassed

* Being assaulted

* Being disowned (v. possible)

* Being labeled a sinner

* or another 38483248 eloquent labels

* Losing opportunity of friendships

* And respect

* And a whole bunch of crap I can’t be assed to list.

So I’m guessing this lifetime of equality I’ll be enjoying acomes with the rousing excitement of:

* Always hiding who I am

* Constantly losing the people I love because they hate what I am.

* Being discriminated against.

* Not being able to serve my country, if the passion should ever arise.

* Yay for being a girl, or else I couldn’t give blood, which something I’d love to do often, once I reach the age limit.

* And 43493932 hindrances and disadvantages, I’m sure.

Pretty much all these things went through my head in the last five minutes before the bell rang, whilst (I’m almost postivive) every other person in that room let the statement slip over their head and payed attention to the rest of their speech, because everyone in that class was obviously equal so no one should have these worries, right?
December 18th, 2010 at 09:57pm