What is wrong with me?

Mibba mibba mibba.

You've always been there for me when I needed you, a place to confide my anger and set free my strange and maybe not so cool ideas.

And now, when I finally come through my writers block, new ideas bouncing around my brain like a trampoline... I'm screwed.

I can write, I most certainly can write again, with out being stuck for what to say.

So what's my problem? I have too many ideas. They're all new ones ( the old ones were thrown out like last nights left overs ) I want to write them all, but don't have enough time. Funnily enough they all start to become one, the characters become the same person, a backing story is put into places but they just don't fit. All these awkward quirky moments just wouldn't be right in one story.

One shots aren't a choice here, I prefer to write long stories or have an on going story.. But I want to write them so much.

Damn it's hard to write things.

Questions :

1. An solutions you can think of for the above ^^^
2. How was your day?
3. What's your latest story update? I want to read something but don't feel the need to comment on one of my stories if I comment on yours :]
December 19th, 2010 at 12:00am