
I'm just a girl. Nothing extraordinary, I hav no super powers to make me believe in something otherworldly. I'm 14, almost 15 yet I've managed something no one my age should have gone through. Let me recap some for you, Have you ever felt like you are alone? That no one understands you? Yes? I have.
How about another question: Have you ever wished to be older than you really are? Yes? I don't. I haven't. I had to grow up at a young age. I had to be the adult in the family because no one else could. My brother left home when I was 10. He was everything to me, all I really had. Growing up, I got tossed around. I was raised by my Aunt, my grandma, my dad, my mom, my grandma again. I lived in cars for months at a time. I went through life not knowing if I would be able to feed myself the next day.
My mom has been in and out f prison my entire life. My father, an active drinker and partyer has never known how to be an adult, let alone a dad. Once again I day, I've had to be the adult. The greatest influences in my life have had to be my brother and Grandma. Because: they've always been There for me. Although they may not understand why I listen to "loud, crazy, weird, depressing" music, they also let me dream.
You see, I have this dream. To be at the top and be an author, or a musician, or an actress. It's my passion and I'm good at it.
The best thing to have ever happened to me: Leaving Texas and my entire life and starting a new one in California with my brother. Who would have known that a person could get so far in such a short time? This is my life, and I'm going to live it however I wish.
If you are scared and alone, keep holding on. Because one day, you'll wake up and realize that there's a reason you aren't like the others. You have purpose. You just may need to wait a little while to find out. Who knows, it could be right in front of you. Whatever doesn't kill you can only make you stronger.
December 19th, 2010 at 01:00am