
A wonderful little word it is..... Of course im being sarcastic, but i'll give the benifit of the doubt. We all go through some kind of depression in our lives, and some worse than others. I, myself, do not think of me being depressed, but i have to be honest with myself. I sorta know why but yet i cant do anything about it. I will not EVER take medication for it, my belief is that if your mind can fabricate a perminate feeling of dread or helplessness, then you yourself cannot be cured of the disease untill you remove the problem that causes it. Medication maybe a temporary respite but not in the long run...... and if you've ever lived with someone whos taken pills half their lives then you know what it can do to you after so long of being medicated. So back to the point. I..... I know that im in a state of depression..... and its not getting better..... I know what started it and when.... and i know that if i dont do something about it then im going to go crazy. But although i know how to stop it.... a thing that comes with depression is a tired feeling..... a feeling that you just cant do anything..... and you just cant help yourself anymore..... Well its a good thing there are others who can help.... Others who care..... Depression, people, is a thing we will all face. At one time or another, and we must face it or we will not make the best of life. I really dont know what! im doing! on this site that i only just heard of.... but im pouring my heart out..... so at least try to listen to what im thinking about it. And if you yourself are going through depression know that you are not alone, and that there are ways to face it... to feel good about yourself again.... and eventualy fullfill you dreams because you were stronger then lifes pain. These are my thoughts of depression.... I hope this site thinks its "worthwhile" and that i "put effort into my journal"
Thank you for reading, Arafel
December 19th, 2010 at 03:47am