Bitches | Tumblr | Life | Music

It's been a really long time since I've been on Mibba because I've become addicted to this amazing site called Tumblr.

Tumblr is kinda like fight club because the first rule is to NEVER SPEAK OF TUMBLR[b/], but Tumblr has like 11million users so I must not be the only idiot breaking the rules.

She does a better job of explaining Tumblr than I do!

Anyways I just went on a huge rant on my blog which I don't do very often my last rant was in November when all my "friends" forgot my birthday.

Today was pretty lame too because my best friends went to a concert and didn't tell me! Did I mention that it's my favorite bands concert?! Ok, 6th favorite but that's concert worthy. So then my "friend" decides to call me while she's at the concert and rub it in my face. Then I hung up on her and cried for like 45 seconds. I'm kinda over it now but I'm never speaking to her again.

For everyone who thinks I am acting like an immature little child, I completely agree with you. That doesn't mean I care.

Regardless of what you think follow me on Tumblr! ----->

Also, check out my page and friend me! I'm gonna be updating my story and changing my page. I've changed alot since I lat logged in six or seven months ago! :O

Lastly, I am in the process of updating my iTunes library! So please recommend some of your favorite bands / artist. I'm not really into Hip Hop, but I like everything else!

Thanks for Reading!
December 19th, 2010 at 08:33am