My first time hanging out with the guy I like and the cops show up. Fantastic.

Goodness, it has been a long time since I've written a journal, I guess I should start with the boy I've mentioned in the title. I've been talking to this guy for a bit now, just some small chit chat here and there, and he said that he wants to hang out. No he's not some thirty year old pedophile, I'll tell you about him. He's eighteen, absolutely adorable, only two years older then me, loves Pokemon, Dance Gavin Dance, lives about fifteen minutes away from me, and is from Peru. Pretty much my type of guy. He's like a guy version of me, basically. As I was saying, he wanted to hang out, so did I, so I said cool. We've tried to hang out a couple times before but things never work out, in my case I can't get a ride. At last, Friday rolls along and we get to see each other.

I should have waited an extra day to see him.

I have one obnoxious friend that I'm going to call Ashley for the sake of this journal. Ashley doesn't care who you are, she'll be rude to you. She's never wrong and always has to be better then you. So I tell her I wanna hang out with him, see him, and she says that she'll pick me up and then we can pick him up and hang out. It sounds like a good idea so I agreed. When she picked me up she informed me that we also have to fit in three other people not including the guy I like and myself. Ashley has a two door five seater car so of course we'll be extra snug.

Ashley decides that she needs to drink that night for whatever reason and one of the people we picked up had weed. Fun fact about me, I don't drink but I do smoke. I asked the guy I like if that was okay and he said it was fine. We all smoked together and everything was fine, everyone was just calm... Except for Ashley, of course. She decides that she doesn't like where we're at (a friend's house) and wants to go to a board walk by the beach so she can drink even though she's driving. My other friend, we'll call her Tiffany, says that she'll drive everyone home seeing as she only had one drink. Honestly I was a little on edge about that but thought, fuck it, I'm stoned off my ass and I'm hanging out with the guy I'm crushing on, nothing could possibly go wrong.

Here's where I'm wrong in several spots. One, cops are always at the beach. Two, it is never EVER acceptable to drive with someone if they have been drinking or doing any types of drugs. Lastly, if we do this, we're gonna have to sleep at a Walmart or something because none of us (except for the guy I like) can go home. I was acting like an idiot, you could say.

So now we're at the boardwalk and everything is once nice. Ashley is drinking, we're all playing Never Have I Ever, and just relaxing. My man friend tells me that he has to go home and we all get up to leave, to his house and then Walmart parking lot, we go! I hadn't even been paying attention as everyone threw away their bottles when Ashley whispered in my ear, "Keep walking, there are fucking cops here."

My high died so fast at that very moment. We start walking away and I thought we were all good, but then they stopped us. They did the routine, "What are you guys doing here?" "Have you been drinking?" "Blah blah blah my shirt is far too tight." Of course everyone says that they haven't been drinking since they're underage, even the man friend isn't old enough to drink, and of course they were all lying. I was the only honest one, I hadn't been drinking, but if they had made me take a surprise pee test I would have been locked up in Juvie. The cops are quiet for a bit then they tell us to start walking to their car. As we were walking I heard one of them talk into his little walkie talkie about a ten something or other, secret messages.

These were the nicest cops I have ever met. They kept repeating themselves by constantly saying, "You know, I was your age once too," (what, four years ago? They looked so young!) "And I understand that you all want to have fun and that you're going to make mistakes." He pretty much kept saying that and rephrasing himself.

While we're standing there two more cops show up and one of them recognizes Tiffany. Turns out that he had pulled her over a couple days ago because she was with a friend who was driving with a suspended license and that friend's mom was a Sheriff! This cop starts chit chatting with her like it's nothing! So I'm standing there awkwardly with the man friend while the cops are taking our information and me being me decided to break the tension.

"Uh Officers.. This might be inappropriate, but if I get cuffed or anything, can I get a ride home in that car?"

The cop's car was a NICE Dodge Charger. To my amazement, they laughed! So after that everyone started to crack some jokes and everything seemed fine. The nice cop pulled us to the side and told us that he wasn't gonna charge us but that he was gonna call our parents to come pick us up. I was not ready to deal with the wrath of Momma Dukes and Poppa Bear.

What pisses me off the most is that Ashley got away with it. She isn't in any sort of trouble whatsoever, know why? When we all called our parents she called her sister and her sister acted as her mom and came and got her. It is so ridiculous and part of me wants to call her mom so bad. Her mom thinks that Ashley is a good girl, not perfect, but good. They go to church together every Sunday, Wednesday, and attend every meeting, Ashley is in the school band and is the face of the youth center at her church. In reality she is the most obnoxious and arrogant person I've ever met and she constantly lies. SHE LIED ABOUT HAVING AN ABORTION! After everything this girl has gotten away with this is just another adding to her giant stack! Is this at all fair?! No!

I feel bad, guys. The very first time I meet the guy I like in person and the cops busted us. So pretty much any chance I had with him went down the drain.

My parents were pissed when they got a hold of me, my dad was trying his best not to yell but ended up doing so anyway. When I told him what happened and who was there he got even more upset, and this time not with me. The more I talked the less upset he was with me and more pissed he got with them. He absolutely can not stand Ashley, she's a crappy friend and he knows it. One time she left me at a Whataburger because she had to walk to her friend's house.

Reasons I didn't go with her and her friend:
1. It was a two hour walk. My two little legs don't even like walking from the computer to the fridge.
2. The sun was already starting to set which meant it would have become pitch black in no time.
3. The way there was nothing but busy highways.
4. I was not willing to get raped, murdered, and then raped again.

So they left me all by myself and I had to call my mom to come pick me up. Thankfully one of the workers kept checking up on me and called Ashley a not so friendly word for leaving me.

So in the end my parents are only mad at me for lying about where I was gonna be that night and I'm not allowed to see or speak to them until 'further notice' which I actually don't mind. Wanna hear the best part? Man friend texted me today!

"Hey, we should hang out again, this time no cops lol."

Okay so he didn't type it like that exactly, he doesn't have the best grammar, but that's fine. He wants to hang out with me again ever after all of that!!

This has just been such an interesting day.
December 19th, 2010 at 09:48am