Maid Cafe coming up soon!

Okey! So, first off, hello everyone! (/^ ^)/ Hi.

I am very super excited about Katsucon which is coming up February....forgot the day BUT it's in February, yes. I applied to work at the maid cafe there a while ago and I'm still waiting for that call that will make me even more excited. I've always wanted to work at a maid cafe! (^nn^) ANYWAY, I haven't received a call yet and I am getting a little bit scared. It's been..what...4 months and applications closed last month. Hmm...I guess I could give them some time, I mean, there are probably MILLIONS (exaggerated, lol) of applicants to look over. I've actually been practicing for it for a very good while now...especially since I'm a shy person. Teehee! Overall, I'm just really hoping to get the call, email, txt, etc. that I made it. That would be a pretty awesome Christmas present for me lol! Aa! Speaking of, HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL!!!! o(^x^o) Aaand, thank you all for reading! I'll be posting more whenever I get the chance to.....I need to make a website..... LOL okey! Bai bai you guys! Pyon Pyon!?

December 19th, 2010 at 06:26pm