
I am so frustrated right now I just want to scream and cry and break things.

1. My art project is a piece of shit. We're doing the subtractive method on scratch board for our texture unit and I just completely messed up. I brought another piece of paper home so I could try again, but I messed up again! *slams fists on keyboard* a,ksam,sdm xdz d xddz xc

2. I brought my cello home this weekend so I could practice it. I take it out of its case and the G-string is too low and flat. I try tuning it but the peg won't stay, and now all the strings are out of tune. FUCKING PEGS WON'T STAY IN PLACE.

3. It's too hot in this sweatshirt with the sun beating down on me. T^T I just want to die right now.

I hate my life. >.>
December 19th, 2010 at 07:53pm