Tongues, Disney, and Lazy Writing

I wish my sister wouldn't bring her trashy boyfriend home. Cause all they do is sit on the couch and make out. And do they have to sit in the sasme room as me? Go make babies somewhere else. I really don't need to hear your awkward tonguey noises. PLEASE. Let me procrastinate in peace. My poor innocent ears. (Yea. . . )

I love Disney. On Saturday I watched Mulan, Mulan II, Atlantis and The Aristocats. Oh my god. I just love it. I don't know why, I just do. If you haven't seen Atlantis or the Aristocats you really need to. It's one of the oldest animated Disney movies out there, and it's my favorite. Just saying.

Is anyone else extremely annoyed by unoriginal fan fictions? I mean, If you're writing an original idea that's never been done before, then go right ahead. But if you're gonna write a story about how you and Justin Beiber get married and have 9 kids. Please, just, no. No, no no.

On the bright side I had a fantastic weekend!

Here we go:
1. Favorite Disney Movie?
2. What do you want for Christmas?
3. Best Fan Fic you've ever read?
December 19th, 2010 at 08:38pm