You'll never believe it....

Sunday, December 19, 2010

You'll never believe it, but Erin finally gave up on Travis. What? I thought she was seriously obsessed. But one night with her other friend and some random guy- and she's done with Travis.
I tried to explain to her about emo kids as Amyescence suggested but it just went right over her head.
"You're really pissing me off. Just shut up," she says.
Too bad I'm the person that doesn't let up easily. Ha, sucks to be her. Oh well.

Meanwhile...... It's exactly 5 days, 3hours, 31 minutes, 5 seconds til christmas!!!!
Is it childish of me to like Christmas that much? Ha, that's okay because I do.

I've also been scaring myself to death watching history channel. Wierd right? I watch Ghost Adventures for a living (Zac is mine lol) but that doesn't scare me one bit. Yet, watching the Nostradamus Effect make me want to hide under the covers.

Turns out, the Nostradamus Effect only has a little bit to do with Nostradamus. The Nostradamus Effect is abut people predicting the end of the world in 2012. It scares the crap out of me. I am Christian and I understand that I sound like an @$$. But it scares me.

And.....I saw the titanic last night and started flipping out again. Scary also......

Anyway, is it odd that red hair on guys really isn't a turn on? Is it just because I have something against leprechauns or something? Do I have some against leprechauns. I don't even think I know an irish person!!

Also.....If you're a guy and you're reading this- or if you're a girl who knows a lot-.......Anthony and Chris are some of Travis' friends. And they kept saying he liked me. I sound like a little kid and stuff, but I'm not. It's just....WTF??? Should I listen to that crap or just ignore it?
Thanks for reading my constant rambling!!!
December 20th, 2010 at 02:14am