New Story Idea. HELP PLEASE :)

I haven’t written a chaptered story in a long time, in fact, I’ve pretty much stuck to drabbles recently, which is really the exact opposite of a novella, length-wise. But I’ve been writing one for the past couple days and I’m nearly half-way through it and I, personally really love the story, but it takes place a long time ago and I’m not sure if everyone else would like reading it.

It’s a story that I really wouldn’t mind re-writing and re-writing until I think its publishable, so I would really love some concrete feedback on it and in order to get that feedback, I need a pretty legitimate amount of readers just so I can get various opinions of people of different ages, genders, everything.

So, this story takes place in the 1940s, on an apple farm in Maine. The family, the Firths own the apple orchard and their son, Joseph gets engaged to a young girl named Elyse but she doesn’t love Joseph. She quickly gets desperate to have a meaningful relationship and finds on in Bobby, one of the workers on the farm who come by every September to pick the apples from the tree. Only the deal is, most workers of that time were African Americans so the relationship is totally forbidden.

Another scepticism I have, other than lacking readers, is the fact that racism will be very prevalent in the story and I want to make sure I don’t offend anyone.

I haven’t posted the story yet, I’ve only created a summary page and if I get some interest and feedback on this journal entry then I will probably post the first chapter within the next day or so. So, if you think you’d be interested, check out the summary and leave a comment here if you think I should post it. And if you’re extremely interested, I can message you when I’ve started posting.

Some feedback would be really awesome. Thanks, mibbs.

Here is the summary page: The White Ladder.
December 20th, 2010 at 05:51am