"So, do you have any siblings?" "Yeah, I have a twin brother." "OMG are you identical?!"

I'm a girl. My twin brother is a boy. And yet so many people have asked me whether we are identical twins.

For instance, when my mum was in hospital (as we were born something like 12 weeks premature) she was talking to a nurse and, despite the fact that the nurse knew we were a boy and a girl she asked "Are they identical?"

Now, people in my year, people younger than me - I can sort of understand asking that. But a nurse in a special care baby unit? Seriously?

I've also had people ask "Are you in the same year?" But the identical twins thing really irks me. I mean if there is a boy and a girl then how can they possibly be identical? Similar looking, sure - but not identical. I've actually had proper arguments over this, like last year some boy I barely knew kept telling me "Yeah, boys and girls can be identical, actually," and he wouldn't accept it when I explained to him that to be completely identical you have to be of the same gender as your twin.

This link sums it up quite nicely, actually - clicky!

And I know that there is the exception, but that's due to genetic mutation, and with less than ten cases reported - I'm pretty sure my point still stands.

I just had to get that off my chest.

Toodle pipski!
Unneeded intricacy
December 20th, 2010 at 04:17pm