
Inspired by the author known as hailylovesyou, I want to put regrets that I have put there
Not in catchy ways, just plain and simple:
My 10 regrets
1. I regret not telling anyone
2. I regret liking it
3. I regret continuing it
4. I regret craving it
5. I regret getting it
6. I regret finding him
7. I regret befriending him
8. I regret LOVING him
9. I regret trusting him
10. I regret remembering him

So yeah, those are my top 10 biggest regrets, an now I am going to ramble because of the stupid one hundred characters rule

What are your biggest regrets?
Why do you feel that way?
And dont forget to drop by hailylovesyou and say hi :)
December 21st, 2010 at 11:37pm