Dear Global Warming [I'm f*cking dying here.]

Dear Global Warming,
I'm sorry we were such meanies when you were here. But please, I cant take anymore of this. I miss you. Please, PLEASE come back.
Yours Sincerely,
Kitty, Becka, Claire, and any and all others who wish the snow would bloody well piss off.


I am:
dying, bleeding, coughing, annoyed, cold, and f*cking knackered

So, this is just a bad week for me, I have the worst cold ever. I used to never get cold, but moving to Dublin is killing me. I'm almost sure of it. Canadians(an inside joke for period, and not an insult to actual Canadian people...) came this week. CHRISTMAS WEEK. God damn them for finally being at all regular. I almost preferred when they just like, jumped me every month and a half or there abouts.

The cold I have is clearing up somewhat, but it's leaving me with a dreadful cough. When I get ill, it tends to be throat related. So I get sore throats alot, I got tonsilitis a fair bit as a kid, not in years though. And I get the most dreadful coughs. The kind where, when you cough, you pee a little. I do not like it. And they tend to last about a month, which is even worse. *is not happy*

I'm annoyed because of the inclement (my new favorite word) weather. 6/7inches of snow fell in the space of about 36 hours, thats the same amount as fell two weeks ago. But that fell over the space of two weeks. You see, I'm due to go somewhere on Thursday/Friday, and it requres a bus trip. If the weather gets really bad, the buses wont run. I wont be able to go. Christmas will be ruined.

And I'm just generally tired. Thank god we got our Christmas holidays today. We were suposed get them Thursday. But due to the weather.

Today in school was fun to be honest. I arrived around 8am as usual. Two teachers and another student were stood outside saying they had no idea whether the school was open or not. It was in the end. And we had this present for our form teacher, I've mentioned him before.

And we gave it to him right.

AND HE WAS F*CKING SPEECHLESS! It was SO awkward though.

Anyway kids, could you do me a favour, could you just read this? It would mean so much to me. Cause it's been hovering on a number for ages and it's bugging me. ><

I'll talk soon.

Love you gays,
December 22nd, 2010 at 02:04am