Shameless Whoaring (tis my first proper mibba fics, 'kay?) + Questions

So hi there Mibba, it’s not often that I come on here to write journals or post fics, but today is different. Normally I just come on here to stalk journals, comment and catch up on the goss ect, but today I come here with a motive!

I have just updated with 3 new fics of the Remus/Sirius variety!

Lay Back, Light Up - Sirius doesn’t know what to get Remus for Christmas, and goes seeking advice.

Too Much Momentum - Sirius’ encounters with love and how he comes to realise he loves Remus Lupin.

A Haircut - A ficlet in which Sirius decides to give Remus a haircut.

So normally I’m a liveournal person, though I have been a member of mibba for quite a few years now, ever since my MCR-obsessing days (*13 year old nostalgia *sighs*). I’d love to see what kind of comments people give here and if there’s even any Harry Potter or Remus/Sirius fan base at all! (Who am I kidding. I know there’s a HP fan base here!)

So anyways, if you’re interested I’d love to hear what you thought of my work. I plan to study creative writing next year at uni so any con crit would be great! (Not so big over at lj, hmm.)


And now questions (since I know you love them so)..

1. Fave Harry Potter character?
2. Do you ever use live journal?
3. Do you think Remus/Sirius is canon? :P
4. Most excited about receiving this Christmas?
5. Is it snowing where you are?
December 22nd, 2010 at 03:54am