Confessions of a lonley girl..

It's been about 5 months since my boyfriend broke up with me... We dated for 1 year and 9 months. He won't even look at me or talk to me anymore.. It breaks my heart...
I know I should be over him by now... it's just so hard... He promised me so much and even gave me a promise ring.. but 2 months after i turn 16 he breaks up with me for no reason... Seriously he didn't even tell me why he broke up with me.
In these 5 months I've had 7 guys ask me out... but ugh. I feel like no one in the entire world will be as good as a boyfriend as HE was.
I know for those who actually are reading this think I'm pathetic and I should be grateful that I even have any guys coming after me at all... I've only had 1 boyfriend since then... but it was weird.. he was my friend ever since Sophomore year and I liked him but.. it was just weird and awkward.
I don't ever want to jump into another relationship ever again but I'll confess... I fall in love easily and it's hard for me to get up and walk after I fall... cuz when I fall... I fall HARD and FAST. I just wish that I wouldn't but I can't help it anymore.
December 22nd, 2010 at 06:51am