Strange Dream

Last night, I fell asleep thinking about Ryan Ross.... but my mind slowly shifted into what became a very unrealistic dream. I was popping pills. Addicted to whatever pills they were, I'm not sure, but every hour on the hour I took more and more. In the dream, for some reason, I was put on trial for using these pills because they were "extremely illegal." Which doesn't really make sense, but ahh.. Anyways, instead of punishing me, I received an inhaler-type device. Basically, if I took pills, I had to immediately huff the inhaler and the pills would disappear. Of course, I didn't follow this rule, and I kept popping pills. Then I woke up.

I was reading online about what drugs mean in a dream, and apparently it symbolizes my possible want for some kind of "quick fix" to escape reality. Though, I really wish I could escape reality, the thought of drugs scares me a lot.
December 22nd, 2010 at 08:42pm