To have committed the act of love in the cinema. What is the world coming to?

Well as the title gives away, i want to talk about cinema love :')

This wasn't me before anyone gets the wrong idea. I've never understood why people don't just have sex at home, i mean c'mon cinemas are disgusting places mostly, the might hoover them out every now and then but think about it. How many lard-asses have sat sweating in each seat all day everyday... Mmm, butt-juice.

Anyway, a friend of mine came back from the cinema quite horrified that the couple next to her couldn't control themselves at the sight of Dobby's sexy pillowcase. I suppose, in their defence it leaves little to the imagination. Most would consider this a turn off but in the same breath David Guest (Mr face of a monkey's scrotum) did had a wife.

Whilst everyone else just laughed at her and was glad it was her and not them. I put my hand up and added my two pence, if i had been in that circumstance i think that the urge to just turn around and sit watching them intently whilst slowly eating my popcorn and licking my lips would overcome me. For the pure reasoning of creeping them out to make them stop.

I do not lose battles of awkwardness.

If they didn't want people to watch they wouldn't have gone to a cinema to have sex.

Although this does make me wonder. Does that make the cinema a type of brothel, since they both paid to have sex?

Especially with the talks of the British government BANNING pornography sites in England.
(Yes you did just read that right) Not that i watch porn myself, but i just think it's hilarious. All because of the people who are too stupid to just block the sites from the internet on each computer.

Aaaanyway, on an unrelated and slightly less disturbing note. It is now officially two days until Christmas over here in the UK! Hooray!

Although it does seem we are about to be hit by a rather heavy snowstorm. Normally this would be great but when you have a family the size of mine; tends to be a bit of a swine. Being the only one still living at home and the original intention of staying at my girl friends house on Christmas eve to then come back to mine Christmas day with her to see my family. We are all a tad stuffed now.

On the bright side, for once we may not have a rainy Christmas!

Almost seems like we're cheating on tradition.

Oh yes and i've uploaded the second chapter of my story if anyone would care to read.

Merry Christmas Mibba! =D
December 23rd, 2010 at 02:21am