MCR for the most and a bit of Christmas and a random note...

In all honesty I have no clue of what I’m experiencing at the moment, but I’m utterly convinced that My Chemical Romance is my favorite band after Avenged Sevenfold and Papa Roach, which is something I’d never really say. I mean, I am a fan, but they aren’t a band that I’ll usually say ‘oh MCR, yeah, I love them, they’re one of my favorite bands, top three actually.” I don’t get completely excited over new albums and singles and music videos. If it wasn’t for Mibba, I wouldn’t have found out that my favorite out of the band had helped create twins to cause more chemical havoc on earth.

I used to own their 2005 album, but it kind of disappeared along with a great number of albums I owned (I suspect my mother had something to do with that), that album since before July 25th of this year, was the last album I have ever managed to purchase in literal –I can totally hold it in my hand and squeal- kind of buying. Not digitally like I’ve done with so many others (and illegally download quite a few –I believe an entire Three Days Grace album-

Now, Nightmare is currently the last album I’ve purchased Book of Nightmares to be exact) and the thing is. At this very moment, My Chemical Romance made me feel exactly how I feel when I hear about anything new revolving Avenged Sevenfold, revolving Papa Roach, I feel all giddy and happy and those words really don’t even cover the almost fan-girl-like feeling. I could just squeal like I’m crazy, but I hold myself back and end up smiling like an idiot.

But, yes…

I just don’t know what’s going on with me, besides the fact that I believe that even though I’ve always stayed a bit away from MCR, I’ve officially admitted to myself that I actually love them very, very much. That they are definitely one of my favorite bands, the music, Gerard’s voice, the lyrics, just everything and I really hope to find out that Danger Days does great, because it’s a really great album, and that it isn’t the last album we’ll be receiving for a long time.

Mentioning that: Has anyone heard any news about that?

Will Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys be their last album?
Are they going to stop making their amazing music or going on some kind of hiatus?

And all this was brought up because of one video they posted:

Oh and it's officially two days before Christmas over here! I'm excited for one reason and one reason alone, my dad isn't working for once. Oh wait, make that two reasons, I forgot the delicious food ::XD:

Random note: They're working in the refinery and the noise is so loud, I can't fall asleep, hence why I'm still here.

Happy holidays Mibbians :)
December 23rd, 2010 at 06:01am