He walked into my office like a centipede with 98 missing legs.

Hello all.
I know, your all thinking.
"Say what?! You didn't fall of the face of the square earth?"
Why no I didn't. I just absolutely fail. End of story.

Firstly I'l like to say

That is, if you are Christian. If you aren't, I hope I haven't horribly offended you, and I wish you a happy what ever holiday you celebrate.

My title actually has nothing to do with the journal. I just searched google for random sayings, and it came up. Go google.

Nothing really important has been going on lately really.
I'm on winter break, and I didn't go to the christmas dance.

Christmas is only 3 days away. Are those who celebrate it excited? I know I am.
My sister just drove down from Arizona with my nephew and brother-in-law. I'm really excited to see them.

Today I decided that if I was ever raped and got pregnant, I'd have my sister adopt the baby.
^^It's good to have a plan. Just in case.
I have a present for those Christmas celebrating mibbians.
Yeah, that's just for you.Questions:
1. What is/was your favorite gift you've gotten to date?
For Christmas when I was 3 I got my grandmother's ring, I just barely started wearing it though

2. Do you celebrate Christmas?

3.If you do celebrate Christmas what is your favorite carol?
Oh come all ye faithful.

4. What is on your wish list this year? [if you do celebrate Christmas]
A robe. :D

December 23rd, 2010 at 06:02am