Daring to be Different

Reading A Story Based on Popularity

I admit I'm guilty of this time and time again, but I think the star system is a bit wacked anyways. That's not what I'm here to talk about, though. It's unfair how so many stories get ignored- mine included- because they don't have enough stars.

How many stars you get are determined by readers, comments, subscribers, and whatever else... A story with one star doesn't mean the story is bad. Some stories aren't even looked at because they don't have enough stars- once again, i know this because I do it.

But now, I'm actually starting to pay attention to what the story is about, and not how many stars they have because even some stories with the highest stars are still pretty shitty. I've only seen a few of those though, so that doesn't really prove my point. Anyways...

I don't really think I'm complaining. I'm just pointing out something I have a problem with. Now, I know not everybody just looks at the stars and are like, "Oh, awesome story!" Some people are actually genuine and don't pay attention to that stuff. But still, there are some that get overlooked and it makes me wonder:

How do we get to that maximum, ooh-la-la, story awesomeness scale?

If I had no pride, I would get on my knees behind my computer screen and plead for my fellow mibbacans to just go to my story page and glance at it so I'll get some readers. Oh and let's not forget the superficial comments! Because... isn't that how it works? People wouldn't even have to read it and I could gain, *cough cough* ahem "readers".

And then I would gain actual, interested, real readers. Please lend your opinions on my word-vomity rant below!
December 24th, 2010 at 01:36am