You're a crude one, Mr Grinch

Okely dokely where to start, well obviously from the title i want to talk about The Grinch :P

Before today I'd never seen this film, not because i live in a cardboard box or anything just because i'd never got hold of it or it wasn't on tv when i was watching, but whilst watching me and my girl-friend started looking for all the more adult type parts ;)

One main one being the Grinch's comment of 'No hard feelings!' before pulling the mayor's hand to his crotch right at the end of the film. This has always made me giggle about films, well since my mind became corrupted and no longer innocent (Mwhaha) It's the same with Shrek one in which the first time i watched i was convinced it was a pure kiddies film and nothing for adults, then watching it now suddenly hundreds of new more adult jokes have sprung up.

I mean seriously! Were we that innocent as children!

Though perhaps it's different with societies modern "Don't hit kids. Seriously they have guns now." ideals but when i was a kid no one noticed this kind of stuff.

Anyways, as i've just been reminded. It is now Christmas eve and no longer Christmas eve eve! (It is 1:20am over) Hehe, This leads me onto the other thing that i wished to say on here tonight. Since my other half has now really started getting excited about the actual day she has started to get a little bit hyper. In one such hyper-fit she headbutted me, bit my nose and kicked me in the mouth.

Not like complete psycho style or anything, just general messing about or accidents but then we started talking about what would happen if i actually went to hospital on the 23rd of December having bite marks on a broken nose and toe prints on my face. Before my other half graciously came up with the idea of bashing my little head in so that i wouldn't have to go to hospital for Christmas.

This is why i love her. :')

Anyway, i'm recquired to dance for the fact it's Christmas eve.

Merry Christmas all! =]

Oh and i have uploaded two more poems should anyone be interested. =]
December 24th, 2010 at 02:21am