Changes~ I Want To Be Me

I look at my self in the present. Then i compare myself to the past. Where the hell did the past me go. Ive changed so much in this year, mostly for the worse. I wake up wondering if todays worth living for, should i kill myself? i remember when i looked forward to making up the next day, where did that part of me go?i look in the mirror, "Who the hell is this guy?" Its really me, why cant i see differently, ive just become part of a crowd. I use to stick out. Everyone will change and i rele think that people should just look in a mirror and try to take of the mask that each of us live every day, and for once, be ourselves. I want to shatter that mirror and slit my wrists with its shards, but by living the present, accepting these changes, i think i already am... Thats just the way it is, and things will never be the same.
December 24th, 2010 at 01:30pm