I hate my scars

So. I just had another surgery. But I don't feel like talking about everything.
I now have a bunch of scars from it. A smallish scar on my side and then on my back along my shoulder blade i have this big scar and I had staples to hold the wound together and now that the staples are out, I have a scar from each of them.
I really. really. really. really. hate these scars.
I have quite a few scars from surgeries and I'm afraid to wear bathing suits and certain shirts because of them. I don't want people to be all omg what happened are you okay, blahblahblah.. That bugs me.
But I don't think these scars will go away. I'm going to be trying to use vitamin e to get rid of the scars. I don't know how well it will work though.
But not many people I know, knows what it's like to have scars showing and afraid of people seeing them.
And I dont know. It makes me feel weird to have all these scars at 16. And knowing I'll have them all my life.
Do any of you have any scars that you don't like or something? I'd love to talk to you. Because I also need someone to talk to about mine. I feel just. I don't know. weird them.
Can I have some help? Or something. I don't really know what I'm asking for, to be honest. :/
December 24th, 2010 at 05:47pm