Awkward Christmas

HEEEEEEEEY! This is fully crap. I didn't like this "Christmas party" almost at all. You know, it's funny that my uncle got dressed like Santa Claus and he was just like being weird and a bad mannered Santa. His son, Jacob, dances and "raps" a lot. They call him Jacob Bobby or I don't know how, whatever, the point is that he reminds me the guy I like.

Insane, huh? It's just that he loves dancing and he like to rap and he combs his hair just like my guy. Do you remember the stupid of the What about him? Journal? Well, my little cousin is almost just like him. And I'm just like: "Damn it. I can't even pass Christmas without remembering him at all times" It is screwing me a lot and I'm wondering what is he doing right now..


In another case, I'm wearing a greenish blue dress and black high-heeled shoes. It's the first time that I wear high-heeled shoes. It's a record. I have to say it: I feel pretty. But the occasion just don't worth it. This is awkward.

My cousin Sarahi (Jacob's sister) got an iPod for Christmas and I didn't even get a f*cking chocolate, I get mad because of that. You know, she's eleven and she's got a cellphone when she was like 8. I'm twelve and I've never had a stupid cellphone or anything. I feel like crap. They say I don't need it or that I don't deserve it but I guess I've been a good girl (in some rare way) and I should get a little thing.

I'm screwed.


By the way, I'm working on a new BTR related story. I don't really like fanfics but this is better than the rest I ever thought about doing. It's a joint story with i saw sparks. I'm now writing the prologue but I need some other details that I still don't get.

Anyways, we can do a comment swap on whatever you want. You already know how it works so that I don't have to explain it all. Comment on whatever you want, I don't care, I'll reply anyways.

I wish you to have a better Christmas eve than mine (:

With love,
December 25th, 2010 at 06:46am