Inspiration should have it's limits.

I brought two of these antique dark wood gothic carved bookcase the other day, I was sceptical about why I would need such a huge bookcase's which I was soon grateful for; I have so many books, magazines and sketch pads.

Is it kind of sad that every book in my collection is a biography from all different walks of life such as tattooist, bands, criminals, artists and throw in a few fiction stories. It's insane, one person should not need two floor to ceiling bookshelves; I can't even reach the fourth shelf.

I'm around 5'8 or so you could imagine the height of these bloody things, but bookshelves aren't the purpose of this journal entry.

Sifting and pouring through my old journals and sketch pads I noticed that I had made somewhat of a series of inspirations. Each journal or drawing pad is filled with either paragraph upon paragraph of little notes and details of pointless things that have left an impression.

Not little foot notes and speech bubbles of things, full blown detailed descriptions and depictions of things like rubber ducks and 8O'S glam. I'm a serial collector; I have so many collections of useless things like shoeboxes and scrapbooks of old photography I've found or vintage junk jewellery I've gotten from roadside shops or second-hand shops.

I don't have the heart to sell or bin them, I'm going to end up a hoarder in the future I see it now. One of these day's though I'm going to get my ass into gear and sort out all these things that I can't bear to throw out.

I must be sounding like a complete fruitcake by now, this entry will probably end up scribbled down in one of my many journals. When I said I was easily influenced and constantly inspired I fucking meant it; my house is the proof of how inspired I get.

But since I'm on a journal writing kick, I want to know what inspires other people. Ironically other people’s ideologies and minds inspire me also.

What inspires you?

- a m b a , y e a h ?
December 25th, 2010 at 11:16am