Did he just call me beautiful?

I feel super flippin' happy right about now. To all girls out there don't you love being told you're beautiful by a guy you have feelings for? I know that I do and i don't know if anything could make me happier than having the warm, heart-melting, I-am-in-love feeling.

So recently I have kindled a previously burnt out fire with a boy who we shall call DJ. No, if you are asking that is not his name. I am just not about to say his real name on here. Any who before I go off on a rabbit trail that will never end I will say why I am mentioning DJ. A little more than a year ago I dated DJ and well things didn't go so well. We broke up and got back together than got together and broke up again. After that it was friends-with-benefits for months than we would fight for awhile than makeup again. We were one of those couples that everyone knew were going to end up back together no matter what. We would date other people and try to forget about about everything but we were kind of like magnets.

About a month ago DJ had gotten out of another relationship and I, well I was still trying to convince myself that I was over him (which to tell you the truth I failed horribly at). It didn't take long before we were making fun of each other in class and flirting to the max (yes I know, making fun of each other; its elementary). Before I knew it we were hanging out and doing the things we used to do together. This made me one happy girl ! Just sayin'.

Well, see that was one of my famous rabbit trails. I just told you most of our story. Hope I didn't bore you too much.

Today though, we had yet another heart-to-heart talk with each other in which he told me I was beautiful (I know, awwhh). How could a girl NOT fall for that? Like really, common think about it. So here I am going to ask you people who are reading this.

What is the sweetest thing a guy/girl has ever said to you? What was your reaction?
December 26th, 2010 at 11:43am