Spoilt B*tch

So, there's this girl who goes to my school. Lets call her, Tiffany,

Tiffany is a b*tch. you know one of those girls who giggles and whispers to her friends about you when you walk past. The type of girl who acts really sweet, but everyone knows there is NOTHING sweet about her, at all. The type of girl the all the teachers hate too.

A sl*t.

Yeah, that's her.

Yesterday, Tiffany posted a facebook status about how for Christmas she got, and I quote:
"A ticket to Bali, a GHD hair straightener, wedges, DKNY perfume and cream, clinique foundation, Estee Lauder box of mascaras (6 in there), a rusty bikini, 3 bras from cotton on body, PJ's from cotton on body, a whole bag of chi chi body stuff, diamond earring, a pack of nail polishes, Elwood top, belly button ring (I don't like it though lol), body shop concealer, Mac makeup brush set, $30 credit, Toddlers and Tiaras DVD set, heaps of book, Maxi dress, makeup bag, and next week mum is taking me to get my hair dyed and cut."

LOLWUT? Can I say spoilt?

She also has a brother. God knows what he got..

Sorry, that was just a little rant.

I really hate Tiffany.

# You are the only exception <3

- Caat; x
December 26th, 2010 at 12:25pm