There Once Was a Fish Named Swimmy

This Christmas my best friend got me a fish! :D His bowl has a pineapple house and he has little spongebob and patrick figurines in there with him. He's the cutest little fish I have ever seen! He likes to swim in and out of the house really fast. It's adorable :)

When I was seven, my grandma got me three little goldfish for my birthday. But seven year old me was stupid and liked to take them out of the bowl and pet them. So every fish I ever had when I was little ended up dying. Finally, my mom figured out why and I wasn't allowed to have fish anymore.

But she let me keep swimmy :)

I have a cat too. And she likes to sit on my desk and just stare at swimmy. It absolutely terrifies me because I'm so sure that one day when I'm not looking she's gonna eat him. But he's up on a shelf where she can't get to him easily. I don't know. i guess we'll just see what happens.

OH! I wanna teach him how to do tricks. Now before you say goldfish only have a memory of like two seconds, Swimmy is a betta. So his intelligence is a little bit higher. I googled tricks I could teach him and the only thing I found was teaching him how to jump for food. And I thought Oh that's cool. But then I read somewhere that this one lady taught her fish how to do that and then he jumped out of the bowl and died. So yeahh...

1. Do you know any tricks I could teach swimmy? :)
2. Do you have a pet fish?
3. Tell me about him! :D
December 26th, 2010 at 08:39pm