Lots of things + Neglect

Oh dear friends, how I have neglected you so! Not a big deal though, because I'm pretty sure there's five of you besides Harley who actually read my sh*t. Haha.


My life has not been too great! Currently I'm suffering from a head cold, I don't like anyone, and my poppop died. I was gonna make a joke about not liking someone being just as bad as my poppop dying, but that'd be a horrible lie, and I'm sure poppop would be rolling over somewhere (I'd say in his grave, but his funeral is tomorrow. Therefore he is not in one.)

Ok, so I don't have to repeat myself, here's the story. You don't have to read it, I just kinda feel like sharing and whatnot. But if you don't want to, you might as well leave 'cause it's all pretty much that.

Last Sunday, I had a FH (field hockey, remember this for other journals, as I'm too lazy to write it out) tourney (tournament, see last description) about an hour away. On our way home, my mother received a call saying that her father was in the hospital. Basically this was it at first, but later she found out more. What had happened was that he had had a minor stroke and that he was fine and that the only thing bad was blurrry sight. The doctors said he'd be fine and out in the next few days, so I went to bed thinking my poppop would be there Christmas Eve. The next morning(Monday), I was woken by my father saying that he was worse and he might not make it. That there was bleeding to his brain. I went to school, however my brother didn't because he didn't feel like it. After school, we all went to the hospital where I was until eleven or one with a dinner break to Olive Garden that didn't last long, as the hospital ad called my mother, telling her my poppop was getting worse. I went back, and I said my goodbyes. He had been in a coma, so it really hurt. My last hug was not reciprocated, and that's the pillar of sadness I remember most. My brothers and I went home to go to bed; we were exhausted. The time 2 'o'clock somehow got placed into my brain during all this. Probably through a dream, but I can't remember. When I went into my brothers' room the next day, they told me he had passed at 2:30 that morning (Tuesday). My poor mom, though, because Monday was her birthday, and it's the day she truly lost her father. She was very close to him.

So yeah. That's it. He wasn't there Christmas Eve, as he won't be anymore. My mom has been stressing, and every little thing hurts. (i.e., my being in the center of his wallet; eating clementines when I later discovered he got them for me and my brothers.) I realize how much he truly loved us, and how much I loved him, too. Even if he was a stick-in-the-mud at times.

But yeah, don't give me any generic "Oh I'm sorry for your loss" things, or the "I'm here if you need me" because, for some reason, they REALLY bug me.

So yeah. I'm gonna go take some meds, because my sore throat and runny nose are bugging me lots.

1. Have you ever lost someone?
2. How was your Christmas?
3. Feeling sickly?
December 26th, 2010 at 11:27pm