Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

Understanding that I'm heading into a very controversial topic here, I'm going to state my opinion on the matter anyway. I can't vote, therefore legally, my opinion doesn't count for anything. Which really does irritate me, because I have researched into both sides of the issue and have an educated opinion on the matter. But that's an entirely different topic for another day.

Before I begin, I want to say that I am in no way trying to force my opinion on anyone else. Since I can't vote though, this is how I'm making my voice heard.

I am pro-choice.

I'm not going to use the whole rape-baby argument, because the percentage of that in minuscule, and there are very few pregnancies due to rape. Not to say that the ones that do get pregnant are irrelevant, but the numbers are in fact small. Although, it is one of the few reasons why abortion should be an option.

Yes, I do understand the whole 'If they didn't want to get pregnant, they should've used protection' argument. Yeah, they should have used protection. They didn't. Now there's a baby that's going to come into this world.

How many adults in this world are truly fit to be parents? Not as many as there should be. Not as many as there are kids. These women are getting pregnant, and they are not fit to be parents. Why force a child to be born into a life where it might not necessarily be abused, but will live a neglected life?

Child services can't help everyone. That's a fact. And the psychological suffering inflicted in the time before child services steps in is not something I would wish on anyone.

There is always adoption... but there are also thousands of children waiting to be adopted as I'm writing this. And besides, the foster homes these children end up in are not always nice homes. Although some of them are, it's not true of every home.

Beyond that, there are many parents that plan on giving up their child for adoption at birth, but then cannot give up the baby after it's born. After all, as a mother, wouldn't it be hard to give up your own flesh and blood? That's how these babies end up growing up in abused homes.

Although I am definitely not in favor of insurance companies covering the cost of an abortion, I still believe that it should be legal, and an option for those that understand they are not fit to be a parent.

I do hate the fact that some people use abortion as a birth control, but it's hard to make anything as a law without negative consequences.

December 27th, 2010 at 02:37am