Song suggestions and Bo Burnham, o yeahh<3

I haven't wrote a journal in a long time. Okay maybe it wasn't THAT long but it has been awhile. I think I've just been kind of "blah" lately and of course very busy with Christmas and everything which is OVER!=) I love Christmas but I can only stand so much of the dreadful music.

HOLY CRAP OUR BASEMENT IS FLOODED! but really it is my dad just ran up stairs having a spaz attack. I think spaz attacks run in our family?.....

STORY UPDATE! Yeah, yeah okay so I know I haven't updated my story in awhile and I do plan on updating it a couple of times this week. Usually I update it on Saturdays but this month I've just been busy.

Bo Burnham! He is amazing and extremely cute=), I saw him on comedy central awhile back and forgot about him and then a friend showed me his youtube channel.

Cute right?



1. Do you watch comedy central?
-yeah, ushally late to. Late as in like one in the morning!

2. Bo Burnham, cute or not?
-Cute for sure=P

3. What's a good song I should by from itunes???
December 27th, 2010 at 03:20am