Love has no limits, right?


Been awhile ago since last entry. I dont know why I haven't written. I think I just didn't have anything to write.
But now i really do want to write, but its always the same, I don't know what to write.. That annoys me. When I do want to write something, it goes blank in my head.

Enough of that nonsense..
And in with some new nonsense!

Is it wrong when I like my best friend that is 25 years old when im only 17.. ? I don't know what to do.. I thing he has feelings for me to, but im not sure.
I mean, love has no limits, right?
I sure don't think so, and I know that I shouldn't listen to what anyone says.
But still.. god, I don't know what to do. I can't sleep, but im so freaking tired.

Should I ask him how he feels for me? Or should I wait till he brings it up himself
December 27th, 2010 at 05:40am