I'm back.

Well, um.

.. I'm back? Ahah.
No, really, I am.

Yesterday, I just suddenly realized that I had indeedforgotten about Mibba.
Oh the humanity!

But really, I don't understand how I could have possibly forgotten a site as riveting as Mibba.


Well, thing have changed since I was gone, and ahah. It doesn't really matter, cause I was never really significant to this site, but it's a good way to waste time, you know?

Stephanie, my ex-girlfriend and I broke up a couple of months ago. I've been pretty apathetic about it. Only three years wasted right? No biggie.

Anyways, I changed my profile to better suit the way I am now. When I looked back on it I just about gagged at how lovesick I came off as.

"We're perfectly in love."
Ahah, yeah, about that..

Anyways, I'm just happy to be back on Mibba. c:
See! It's making me smile already.
December 27th, 2010 at 08:25am