XBOX live

I was sitting in the game room with my little brother Ethan and he was playing on Xbox Live. Some of the things him and the people he was playing with were saying disturbed me. I was in shock to hear what was comming out of the mouths of these ten year old boys and even some younger ones. They were calling eachother fags and gay. I mean i don't have a mouth of a saint or anything and i'm not afraid to say I love the F word. But words like that hurt, I mean come on! They are ten years old! Where are they hearing stuff like this? Do they know what it even means? If kids are saying this kind of stuff at home, what are they saying at school?!
At one point one of the kids said "That was a faggot move what are you gay?" and they were just playing a game. The scarest part was that none of them took it seriously or the wrong way. Me, i'm not gay but I have gay friends and i know how much it hurts them.
December 28th, 2010 at 04:59am