Day 01. Ten Things you want to say to ten different people right now.

Okay, so here goes.

1. I think I love you. I'm serious. I really do think I love you.
2. Shut up, I don't want to keep hearing you talk.
3. I wish we could talk more like we used to... but I don't know how when we've become so far apart.
4. I've forgiven you a long time ago. I just don't know if we can be that close again.
5. When I'm with you I feel invisible... I feel like you've turned into something that's too far from what I've become.
6. Don't you get the meaning of Vacation!?!? It means don't effing wake me up at 9 in the morning!
7. I really hate physics. I do. And I don't think I'll score anything close to a 3 on the AP test.
8. I don't approve of you yet you jerk. She may be happy with you for now but that doesn't mean that I'll forgive you for what you did last summer.
9. I'm disappointed in you. Although we were never really close, I always thought of you as someone who kept their promises.
10. Seriously... please break up with that guy. He's not worth it.
December 28th, 2010 at 12:05pm