Day 02. Nine Things About Yourself

Here's "Day 2" or "Part 1.5" of my "10 [make that 5] day challenge."

1. I'm a hopeless romantic.
2. I sing in the shower on a daily basis. Loudly.
3. I'm probably the most happy pessimist you'll ever meet.
4. I'm a border line insomniac.... I think. :3
5. Sometimes I tend to be a bit narcissistic and conceited as well as competitive.
6. When I was younger, my mother slapped me in the face because I licked her and said that "Simba does that to his mother."
7. My only non-favorite color is orange.
8. Tennis is my life... other than music and singing and writing... and reading.
9. I'm so short that my gym teachers have to guess my height because I'm too short to reach the 5 foot mark... which is the lowest mark there is in our high school gym.

Aww. I wish I could write more...
but I can't break the rules.
That's all you get for now.
December 28th, 2010 at 12:30pm