A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose.

Love Gertrude Stein. Love herrrrrr.


I have an itchy foot. It's an itch like fibreglass hair on soft skin and it blushes red a stinging colour.


Is it bad I am now really in the mood to listen to The Reverand and the Makers?


Ahh..soon it will be a year since David Tennant left Doctor WHo. Still can't watch it without sobbing. He was the only constant in my life and to think about it like that makes me feel quite pathetic. I like Matt Smith and his alien eyebrows but David...you never forget your first Doctor.

And he's slim and a little bit foxy and quite possibly the only member of the male gender I would consider...doing...things...with. Which makes me a level six on the scale of sexuality. Seven being a full lesbian, five being "mostly homosexual but quite flexible" 75/25 split.


I'm in the mood for toast. Tasty buttered toast.


Does anyone remember Rosie and Jim?
December 29th, 2010 at 01:21am