I'm feeling kind of lonely...., Air planes, and questions!

Wow my tittle's a little random, just saying!

Lonely. I always would think that I really don't need anyone. I have a lot of friends. It's always been easy for me to make friends but lately, lately I've been unbelievably lonely. Instead of txting people I'm turning off my phone, instead of writing like I usually do when I'm feeling down my computer is collecting dust.

Maybe being lonely isn't the only thing wrong?.... hmmm I think I'm going to try to cheer myself up and go get ice cream and a bunch of junk food and spend my night watching a sh*t load of movies.

Wait, does that sound like I'm going through a break up? Maybe because in a way I am. My best friend, the guy I've liked since 8th grade has, I think finally moved on. We never dated but we acted like it. It kills that he's going out with someone that ISN'T me and then still wants to be best friends.

Great I'm lonely and depressed! =(

But you know what will make it better! ....... Bo Burnham<3

oh bo!=)

This journal just got a whole lot better!

Just thought I should add these pictures since i JUST got done watching Top Gun which is an amazing movie!

I'm going to fly this one day!!!!! A super hornet.

The super hornet or an apache. Their both awesome. O or a F16! those are cool to.

Sorry kind of got side tracked there...=P

1. Favorite plane?
-That's hard. It between the apache and super hornet.

2. How are you?

3. Favorite song?
-hmmm, at the moment I don't have one.
December 29th, 2010 at 02:53am