The Girl Behind the Keyboard.



So, I finally decided to post a picture of me, as people seem to do a lot of this these days.

The Girl Behind the Keyboard

And now, just because I'm bored enough, 10 random things about me. Yay for you.

1) I play musical instruments
2) I love ice hockey
3) Family and friends will always come first
4) My friends are the most important people to me, and I have their back, as long as they have mine
5) I'm always confused
6) I've never had a boyfriend
7) Rae isn't my real name
8) I'm straight, but I don't care if you are or aren't, do whatever, it doesn't affect me
9) I twitch
10) I have no idea what I want to do with my life
December 29th, 2010 at 04:45am