Today I sleep in the chair by the window

Wow, I had kind of forgotten about this site.

The fact is that I haven't actually written anything in a very long time. I have sort of had a two year writers block.

I miss it though. I miss writing, and I miss the old days of this site, and quizilla as well.

The reason I found my way back to my accounbt on this site is that I found a folder on my computer that has moved from laptop to laptop, and it's simply called "stories". I went through it, and I've actually spent the last few hours reading through all the things in there. Sure there is some truly horribly written stuff from way back when, but there's also some unfinished stories. two of witch are actually on this site.

Reading through all my old stuff again, has sort of given me a new spark when it comes to writing. I even started writing one of the unfinished ones again. It was so weird, I haven't even looked at those stories for over two years, ad when I read through it, it felt like I wrote it all yesterday.

I don't know if I'll ever post anything new, whether it's here or anywhere else.
I don't really know what the feel of this site is anymore. And I'm pretty damn sure all my old friends from here and quizilla are gone.

I guess the important thing is that I'm writing again, man how I missed it!
December 29th, 2010 at 06:36am