Day 04. Seven Things that Cross your Mind A Lot

Well I think this one's gonna be really boring. Here's Day 4 or "Part 2.5" of my 10 day [make that 5] challenge.

1. That guy... It really sucks because nearly everything I think about always ends up having to do with him.... I would have a random thought sometimes but it's no use. I always find a way to connect my thoughts to him.

2. Music I sleep with my music on. It's a bad habit. I know. I think I might go deaf if I don't stop soon... but then again... I don't get that much sleep anyways.

3. The Future Even though I'd rather just live in the past, everyone seems to be shoving thoughts of the future in my head. It's frustrating having to think about my future when I'm lost in my own world and in the now. I don't want to go where my future is headed right now.

4. The Past. A lot of the time, I find myself thinking, "What if I had done this...? Where would I be now if I did that..." The truth is, I think I would have been a bit more happy if I had done some things I differently. Oh well. That's life for you.

5. My Parents I always wonder what would happen if I had parents that weren't as strict as they were. It's weird because I can't really imagine it.

6. Curse Words I'm not a big cusser out loud but in my mind, I'm like a freakin' sailor. It's really weird how different the inner me and the outer me are.

7. The Internet Just everything about it. What to do on the internet, what site to go on, what to read... This should probably my number one thing but I'm just too lazy to do things.

Well I was right. I think this is one of the non-interesting ones :3
December 29th, 2010 at 08:42am