What is a Hogwarts? Readers =-)

Please check the "About me" section of my page for a direct link to our latest Tumblr page =)

I'm loving this story so much that my imagination is filled with ideas and I want to share it with everyone, even for those who may not like the story because it still gets the word out =)

I'm mostly doing this, not for the sake of actually "promoting" the story, but you see, my friend Nilly is illustrating the story for me.

I figure in order to get her to come out with more drawings, people should read the story and comment because it links to her page as well.

She's beautifully talented and I want her to know that. I figure if people post, she'll draw...

Also, she's obsessed with tumblr so this may help grab her attention. =)

Please get this out as much as possible.
December 29th, 2010 at 09:18pm