So strange

Really, really strange. I'm writing this journal on an iPod touch. It's kind of different from what I'm used considering there is no key board, and this really isn't my property. I was talking to one of my good friends, Willy,on Facebook and his iPod came up in the conversation. I ended up whining about how I lost my iPod and how I was dying without it. (not really, I'm just a dramatic teenager) He had just received a ridiculously awesome new 4G iPod touch for Christmas. He said he would give me his old iPod because he really didn't need it anymore. Needless to say, I got EXTREMELY excited and thanked him about a bajillion times. Willy, Harley, my other friend Kat and I hung out yesterday. Being early as always, Willy was the first person there. He walked in the door, obsessed over my new cat ( :D) , and then handed me this.

An iPod touch. A freaking iPod touch.

At first I was like "What?!", and I just thanked him. Repeatedly. You probably think I'm making a huge deal out of this, but the first and only iPod that I've ever had was a small square one that I had for four years. The only time I really get to play with one of these is at my friends house's because most of them have these. And oh my god. They're fun as hell. Like I had no idea how entertaining these were. You can do almost everything on an iPod touch. This is going to be a relatively short journal simply because it takes so long to type. xD My new kitten says hello. Well, that's all folks.
December 29th, 2010 at 09:19pm