When did parents stop being supportive and start being abusive?

I remember when I was younger, I would watch all those cool shows they showed on Nick at Nite.

All the family shows with the married parents, plentiful kids, successful careers, and etc. I remember planning my future life around those shows....saying "when I get married I want to live in a house like that and have 6 kids and a maid and be a lawyer while my husband will be a doctor.

Why isn't like that now? Why is it now parents beat the living crap out of their kids, and then those kids grow up to beat the living crap out of their kids, and so the vicious circle begins.

Why don't parents go to volleyball games or band concerts ormath competitions?

I know very few sets of parents left who participate actively in their childs life, my parents not being included.

My mother....she tells me I'm her everything, that she can't think of me going off to college and leaving her, she needs me. But she's so emotionally cold. She doesn't say she loves me, she doesn't know my friends, she doesn't care what I do, she latent in my life; it's like I live with a roommate rather than a mother.

My father, besides having been in and out of rehab and prison for meth addition, claims to say he "never knew his addiction hurt me" and that because I don't write to him I'm "a horrible daughter" and he has "no faith or love for me."

How is that fair? How am I supposed to grow up and have kids of my own when my parents can't be stable enough to teach me important life lessons?

I'm pretty independent on my own, I make my meals, I buy my clothes, my gas, my car insurance, cell phone bill, school needs....I get myself to the places I need to be and I never ask my parents for help, ever.

But sometimes, I really wish I would just let go on my dignity and tell them how much I need them.
December 29th, 2010 at 09:30pm