Day 06. Five People Who Mean A Lot

If this means 5 people that I can't imagine my life without I guess that there's a lot.
When I form a friendship with someone, I get really attached :3
I'm like a koala.
Of course, names will be excluded. You never know who's reading C;

1 & 2. My Parents. Without them I wouldn't even be here. Although they aren't the greatest parents in the world and I have moments when I just want them to shut up, I couldn't imagine life without them. When I was a kid, my pessimism was out of control and sometimes I would cry in bed at night because I would think about how life would be without them. I'm sure that no matter what, our good memories will always overpower the bad and that all we'll remember are the good times.

3. My Cousin.... Let's call her... Ageha [that's japanese for butterfly.] My cousin is probably the nicest person I'll meet in my life. We've spent nearly all our lives together... not really though because she's two years older than me. Well, anyways, Ageha is my total opposite. She's responsible, I'm a slacker. She's smart and pretty, I'm average at everything. She's feminine and I'm more sporty or "one of the guys." She's the social butterfly, I'm the loner. However, that hasn't gotten in the way of our friendship. I think that even though I might not be the first on her list of friends, She's definitely the first on mine. We've had a really memorable life together and she's always there for me to cheer me up. ;]

4. Ageha's younger sister... aka my younger cousin. She's the only one that seems to stay by me. Though she's 4 years younger, it's easy for me to bond with her and I'm sure that life would be so different without her. Like her sister, she's also a lot more outgoing than I am, but she still makes the effort to include me in everything that she does. She often calls me boring because I sleep a lot and I don't spend time with her a lot, but it's all good. I know she doesn't mind.

5. This is really hard for me to decide on. Usually people would put their current boyfriend/girlfriend/crush on one of the people that mean a lot to them, but I have to be honest. I'm not sure if things like that really last... so instead of turning this into one of the things I wish I hadn't done, I'm going to say that my last person is my best friend. She's definitely the closest non-relative friend I have. We've had such good times... and then some bad times... but most of it was fun. I mean friends fight all the time. But hey, at least she helped me meet a really good friend and that guy. Without her, I wouldn't have learned how to be fun. I'm sure that even though we don't seem so close anymore, our fun memories will last forever.
December 30th, 2010 at 02:04pm