It's been a quick year.

It's weird to think that, at the beginning of 2010, I was doing A Levels in college. Starting a new (photography) course in September, and in a new college, was one of the best things I've done this year. This is more 'me'. It's what I want to carry on doing.
It's also strange to think that in 4 days I will have completed a 365. I have taken a photo every day for the whole year. Well, mostly... I did cheat a few times.

I met my current boyfriend in October/November 2009, and we got together on January 27th 2010. It's almost a year now. I couldn't be happier. I never thought that I'd find someone who cares this much for me, and who I feel completely comfortable with. I'm not the most open person but he makes me talk, he gives me confidence and he never lets me down.
This is the man that I want to marry. I want to make a family with him. Though, I definitely don't want all that right now! I'm still a teenager, and I want to live my life a little first ;)

I've made new friends and lost touch with old ones.
I miss my old friends (the ones from my first college) but you know, I have new friends, I have my boyfriend, and I have family. I'm happy with those.

I don't really regret anything that I've done. I'm quite pleased with how this year was.

Aims for 2011:
- Stop spending and start saving!
- Tone up.
- Improve Photography.
- Pass my college course.

I can't think of anything else right now, but let's hope that next year is just as good!
December 30th, 2010 at 08:23pm