the happenings

....well it is 11 oclock and i am rather tyerd unlike last night..

im am curantly listening to a therory of a dead man: hate my life its a wiked track, i am so tired i dont know why i havent done much today pluss i think im deff i cant hear out of one of my ears its anoying when i wanna turn my music up loud in my head set and i can only hear half of it :@ i cant her the full tune, and also i cant hear my friend i contantly have to say what???? :@

i am wondering why my friend says i speek posh is it becuse i pronceate all my words corectly i don't use local slang (that anoys me) i hate CHAVS :@ KILL THEM ALL!

wooooo i feel a big spending spree coming on my local hikeing shop has a sale on and i need a new pair of hikeing boots becuse my ones are fucked! and i love it in there and i needd some more jeans im running low! catosropic edvent i can see it in my local paper makeing front page saying Bunning runs out of jeans!

a list of things i hate:
my hair strateners
my self
when the pillow becomes walm ( i like the cool side of the pillow)
December 31st, 2010 at 12:57am