It's new years eve

....yes you herd me correct it is the time of year wee all make our new years resolutions and have a sorry attempt at keeping at them some of us have the will power to do so o how i Evie you people that can, my mother all ways says there drunken promises but i do not agree not every one makes them when their drunk :D

my new years resolutions are:
lose a dress size
through A wicked 18Th birthday party
save enough money for a car
keep at my journal one day i might get a comment

some funny ones i have been told or found on the Internet:
I will stop sending e-mail, ICQ, Instant Messages and be on the phone at the same time with the same person
I will think of a password other than "password."
I will not ring the stewardess button on airplanes just to get her phone number.
Assure my lawyer that I will never again show up drunk at a custody hearing.
I will not bore my boss by with the same excuse for taking leaves. I will think of some more excuses.
I will do less laundry and use more deodorant.
I will spend less than one hour a day on the Internet. This, of course, will be hard to estimate since I'm not a clock watcher.
When I hear a funny joke I will not reply, "LOL... LOL!"
Remember to brush teeth with bristly end of toothbrush.
Don't eat medicine just because it looks like candy.
I promise to clean my room once a week even though I haven't cleaned it more than once in the last year.
Drink more. Wasn't it Benjamin Franklin who said, beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. So be happy.
i will not hang around girls - they think you love them and that sucks.
Learn what the hell "resolution" means.
I resolve not to swim in any swimming pool without water.
I promise to stick to these resolutions for more than a week (even though I never do).

whats your resolutions!!!!!!!!!!?
December 31st, 2010 at 01:31am